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Final report - Google Summer of Code 2019


Organization - LabLua
Project - C Header File Parser in Lua Using Clang AST
Mentors - Gabriel de Quadros Ligneul, Hugo Musso Gualandi
Project Link
Source Code:


The goal of this project was to build a Lua library that takes as input a C file and generate as output a Lua representation for the declarations in it. The tool which was used to parse the source code into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is Libclang, which is Clang’s C API.

The benefit of using a tool like Libclang is that, it is robust and highly efficient. This is better than creating the whole parser by hand, from scratch.

This library will be used to build an FFI to C later on.

Coding Period

Phase 1

The initial phase was all about learning how Clang works and understanding what all Libclang (Clang’s C API) functions would be required for the project.

The project was supposed to parse the following kinds of C declarations :

The objective of this phase was only to print the AST(Abstract Syntax Tree) representation to stdout.

Example -

Input : sample.c

struct mycallback {
        int (*f)(int);

typedef struct mycallback MYCALLBACK;

MYCALLBACK instance;

Output :

StructDecl	"mycallback"		Parent = "src/sample.c"	
FieldDecl	"f"		type = "int (*)(int)"		Parent = "mycallback"
TypedefDecl		underlying type = "struct mycallback"		type = "MYCALLBACK"
VarDecl		"instance"		storage class specifier = ""		type = "MYCALLBACK"

The unit tests where made in plain shell script with the help of cmp command.

Instructions to setup and run tests -


Repository : c-decl-parser

Phase 2

The objective of this phase was to create Lua binding for the Libclang functions used in the first phase, making use of the Lua C API. This was done so that the parser can be written in Lua itself using the binding.

Example - Input : sample.h

struct student {
        int a;

enum A {B, C};

struct student stu1;

typedef struct student STUDENT;

STUDENT foo(struct student a);

Sample Lua script :

local luaclang = require "luaclang"
local parser = luaclang.newParser("sample.h")
local cursor = parser:getCursor()  
cursor:visitChildren(function(cursor, parent)
        return "continue"

This script prints the spelling of all the toplevel declarations.

Output :


Unit testing in Lua was done with the help of busted framework. Documentation was also done for each of the functions.

Instructions to setup and run tests -


Repository: lua-clang

Phase 3

The goal of the last phase was ultimately to build the parser in Lua. This was made along the same lines as the work done in the first phase. But instead of just printing everything, using Lua tables to form the corresponding AST representation.

Citing an example of how the Lua representation of the AST looks like :

For the C code -

struct a {
        int b;
        float **c;

struct a instance;

the corresponding Lua representation as -

declarations = { {
    fields = { {
        name = "b",
        type = "int"
      }, {
        name = "c",
        type = {
          tag = "pointer",
          type = {
            tag = "pointer",
            type = "float"
      } },
    name = "a",
    tag = "struct"
  }, {
    name = "instance",
    storage_specifier = "none",
    tag = "variable",
    type = {
      decl = 1, 		--type pointing to the first declaration i.e; struct a
      tag = "decl"
  } }

Similarly, work for all the declarations aforementioned have been completed.

The unit testing framework used was again busted.

Instructions to setup and run tests -


Repository : lua-c-parser

Pending work


I would like to thank my two mentors, Gabriel and Hugo for helping me throughout the whole GSoC period. Also, I am grateful to the LabLua community for giving me this wonderful opportunity. It has been an amazing experience all along.
